Our Family

Our Family

Shannon Venting--no sleep!

Help! Calvin can stand up in his crib now! Talk about scary! Also he is crawling on his hands and knees! He only army crawled for about a week! He is going to be running before I know it! I already realized that I'm not so good at cleaning my house (once I discovered that he likes to eat all the fun pieces of trash he finds on the floor). Still there is only one thing we are really struggling with... he doesn't sleep! He wakes up every hour (sometimes every 20 minutes). He wants me to feed and rock him every time. (Yes that is why he is so chunky--I have given in too many times obviously) I wish he could fall back asleep on his own. I was looking up different things to try: I would lay him down right before he falls asleep so that maybe he would figure out he can go to sleep alone... that totally doesn't work. He pops right back up and SCREAMS like I have never heard a baby scream. I tried/trying to cut him down to one nap a day so that he will sleep better at night... doesn't work. I give him a nap at one then he goes to bed for the night at 8 and wakes up at 9 and stays up til midnight. I tried not feeding him right before he goes to sleep just in case that is what is waking him up... but then he would wake up every 20 minutes until I feed him. When I rock him to sleep and lay him down he wakes up everytime and wants me to hold him. I can't ever set him down and he is really heavy! So after trying to rock him I lay him down and if he wakes up I tried just patting his back and putting his binky in his mouth and he will SCREAM until I pick him up. I tried running out of the room. I tried letting him cry for a few minutes--nothing! I tried letting him sleep in bed with me. That seems to be the best answer because even though he still wakes up every hour to eat... he goes back to sleep faster since I am right there. But I don't sleep very well when I am holding him all night long. I am getting so grumpy! Ugh. Sorry for venting...any suggestions??? Or can anyone tell me what it is supposed to be like? Maybe this is normal??? If so then people weren't kidding about never getting sleep again. I haven't slept more than 2 hours at one time in 8 months.


Sunderhaus Family said...

SO SORRY you are having such a hard time. With Anna, we put her to bed at a certain time every night, and if she cried at about 8 months I let her cry for ten minutes. After ten minutes (which it rarely got to) I would go in, make sure that she was dry and fed and nothing else was wrong, and then I would leave again. Only took a couple of times and she slept through the night. It nearly kills you at first, but it worked for us at least.

HEY!! I want your oceanside pics!

Chris and Kristy said...

Oh that can be so frustrating! He may be getting overly tired and then it's harder to settle down. Watch for any signs of him being tired (rubbing eyes, yawn, fussiness) and put him to sleep right away. I read a book (for whatever it's worth...) that says once you see the first yawn, that's a crucial window of opportunity to put them to sleep. We put on some lullaby music which Carter likes, but he doesn't need it all of the time. Also, whenever kids achieve another milestone (crawling, teething, walking, etc...) it may disrupt their sleeping cycle for a few days. I'm not an expert by any means so I can only offer what we've done and it works very well. It took Carter until he was about 7 months to go to sleep well. We really try to only give him his binky when it's time for sleep (naps and night time) and this seems to give him a clue that it's time to go to sleep. Good luck. Call me if you need to vent! Hang in there girl!!

Me and Daddy

Me and Daddy

