Our Family

Our Family


So for two weeks I planned to surprise Aaron and take him to Disneyland on Labor Day. He had no idea. I told him I had a surprise for him. He guessed that it was a puppy or a big screen tv. Ha ha! He had NO clue that I was taking him to Disneyland. I got my two sisters Hayley and Anna to come and help with Calvin. We just went up Sunday night and played Monday the 6th and then came back that night. It was a blast! Calvin LOVED it! He even got to go on a few rides. It wasn't busy at all. We got right on Indiana Jones. It was a blast. It was really nice because Aaron is working Monday through Saturday now so it was good to get away and have fun. We probably won't get to do a good vacation for a while so it was great. The main reason for the trip was because last time we were at Disneyland, Aaron weighed 320 lbs! Now he is down to 240 and still going. (See before and after pics) I am so proud of him.
Well, my sister Heather is getting married! I am very excited! My sister-in-law Kari is pregnant with twins! I am soooo excited!!! My sister Deserie is doing great on her mission. I miss her so much. Calvin turns 1 year old on October 9th! I can't believe how fast time flies! Well life is a blast. Gotta run! ~Shannon

1 comment:

Sunderhaus Family said...

That is INSANE!!!
Congratulations Aaron! That is too too awesome.

Sounds like a great trip! You take Calvin on Indiana Jones? lol j/k. I bet he went on Pirates though!!!

SO glad you had a great time!


Me and Daddy

Me and Daddy

