Our Family

Our Family
So Calvin is sitting on his own now and he is starting to scoot on the floor. He rolls and is SO MUCH FUN!!! Wow where does the time go? He sings himself to sleep and his Bumpa (Grandpa Sanders) taught him how to vibrate his lips and blow bubbles with his spit ha ha! He does it all the time. So cute! He will be 5 months old on March 9th! He smiles all the time. He is such a blessing. I can't believe how wonderful it is to be able to be a mom... especially to such an incredible little boy. It is such a thrill.

Aaron started his master's degree in addiction counseling at GCU (Grand Canyon University) and he is doubling up on classes so that he will graduate in December! He will then take his exam to become a licensed associate substance abuse counselor... then on to his doctorate degree and 2 years of experience before he becomes an independant counselor and then he can own his own practice! Woo hoo! Lots of work but so much fun!

We are all doing great! I finished my book and Aaron had it printed for me for Christmas. There are a few copies floating around but if you would like a copy (it is called The Tin Soldier - Return of the Lost Tin-Blade) I think it is about 13 bucks including shipping and handeling but just call me and I will get a better estimate.

Love you all,


Sunderhaus Family said...

Welcome back to the Blogging world my friend!
Calvin is too ridiculously cute for words...I gotta see this bubble blowing affair.

Much love

Chris and Kristy said...

What a kid Calvin is! Love the picture on the side of the blog! Those eyes are stunning. I completely agree with you on how amazing it is to be a mother. Every day, Chris and I just look at our own miracle and can't believe he's for real! Good luck to Aaron with his double classes-wow! He'll be great!

Brenda Sanders (Hayley's Mom) said...

He is so stinkin cute! He must have a beautiful grammie!

Me and Daddy

Me and Daddy

